Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today's Workplace

It is quite unfortunate that every adult I talk to, says they hate their job, even if it is a good day at work. I could not imagine doing something that I wouldn't like, but on the other hand, that is what the government wants. They want you to be miserable at work, so you go home and drink, smoke, do drugs, whatever you do, but they get the money. It isn't the beer company, it is the government; the government just makes you think that every penny you spend goes to the company, or every cent of tax you pay goes to your child's future. The government has made it quite clear that they will do whatever they want with money and have millions of mindless drones ready to serve them at a moments notice.
You are reading this and thinking that I will probably become a revolutionist or something "whack" like that. No, actually I was thinking about a police officer, until i noticed how corrupt they were. Then i thought i would be a conservation officer, until i noticed how corrupt they were. My third choice was to be a low income Canadian citizen that works a dead end job, paying out the ass for everything. As sad as it sounds; That is how 3/4 of the people live in Canada. I will be another statistic, just like the government wants. I am currently working a dead end job, with no benefits, and just went onto modified duties with trimmed hours. Going from no hours to less than no hours.
If anyone believes that they will become rich, successful and powerful, with being a good person and keeping to your beliefs, then i apologize. You can make it far if you are ruthless and heartless, but that is not what I am about, so I will continue to work my "crap" job with "crap" hours and live like "crap".

Desks Messing With Futures

The education system is excellent in Canada. One school in British Columbia, does have a slight flaw with its system. Princess Margaret Secondary School in Penticton has some of the most uncomfortable desks known to man kind.
Some classes have the "old school", one piece, heavy, cold, hard, and unbelievably uncomfortable desks. The principle was not able to get a hold of to ask why he was torturing his students with these terrible contraptions. Most students will succumb to chronic back pain and posture loss. A tragedy like this should be fixed, but unfortunately the teachers are unaware of the grief and stress the desks are putting on the young adults. When asked about the desk situation, Ryan Kelly, of Searcy's English 12 class described it as "lame" and further commented that "they should either change them, or put a live goat in the room". Ryan is clearly grief stricken and too stressed to have his brain function properly. Many other cases have begun to be investigated of chronic back pain, and it is quite clear that the desks must be changed for the children's sake.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Days To Live For

Today was an easy day, mostly because my sleep had been unimaginably comfortable and timeless. I stretched my wings wide and started to soar over the endless water. I was already behind in the hunt, but i didn't mind. The stench of raw meat and blood was in the air, almost sickening, but delightful at the same time. I picked out a spot in the rippling water and dove down, as the wind squealed over my ears and burned my eyes, i couldn't stop now, i was starving. The pain in my stomach started to arise just as i gripped my catch hard and felt the warmth of blood on my talons. Warm, juicy meat was between my talons, so i shifted my wings and soared up into the blue abyss. I reached down and took a slice of meat, gulped it down, and again, and again. I felt the energy coming back to me, my eyes opened wider, letting me see more of this exciting world. The taste of warm, thick blood was in my throat as i saw this strange figure ahead of me on my cliff, i took a bite of my prize as a warning that it was mine, and not "it's". Eating fish all day, having the best sleeps every night, i could get used to this.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


You work for a living, doing whatever you do, however you make money to pay for everything that society demands you have, you are giving in to the power of the government. Paying taxes on everything, using your cellphone, working for a union, these are all examples of being controlled by the government. Well now you're thinking "Isn't doing anything an example of being controlled by the government?", yeah it is. Your hands-free cell phone ear piece that you have, is the government trying to get into your head and control you more. Mostly every single person in society is a drone; Get up and go to work, pay through the ass for anything and everything, but mostly follow laws. Its clear that everyone breaks the law, because laws are made to be broken, that is why the government made jails, but has that stopped people from breaking the law? HELL NO! We are 'rebellious' just about every single day of our lives, not being sent to jail. Why? because the government picks certain people to send to jail, because if a cop shoots someone for no reason, the government will try and cover it up, but when an African American shoots someone, its front page news. As you are reading this, you are paying the government, and being watched by the government, congratulations. You may see this as a conspiracy rant, and that is a perfectly good opinion, but in my opinion, your opinion doesn't matter, because its what the government wants you to think. They want you to see every piece of writing, picture and article about them as excellent and making them seem like they are doing the right thing. You can go back to being completely incompetent and a mindless drone now =)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Top Three Defencemen

In my opinion, there are three top defence men of all time in the NHL. I based my decisions on games played, assists and hitting.
My third place choice would go to Rob Blake, born Dec. 10, 1969 in Simcoe Ontario. Blake was drafted 70th overall in the 4th round pick by the Los Angeles Kings in 1988. He played twelve straight seasons with the Kings, playing 662 games, scoring only 138 times in those twelve years, but assisting in 291 goals. Blake accumulated 991 penalty minutes while playing those 662 games. Blake was traded to the Colorado Avalanche in the 2000-2001 NHL season, where he played for five straight seasons. 332 games, 62 goals, 146 assists and 258 penalty minutes is the stats that he acquired while playing with the Avalanche. Rob Blake has played 21 seasons so far in the NHL, and he is still playing, for the San Jose Sharks. During these 21 seasons he has played 1251 games, 238 goals, 528 assists, with 1659 penalty minutes. Blake also played in 131 playoffs with 25 goals, 46 assists and 156 penalty minutes. He also won the James Norris Trophy in 1998.My second place choice goes to Bobby Orr, born Mar. 20, 1948 in Parry Sound Ontario. Orr played the majority of his playoff career with the Boston Bruins. Ten seasons he played with the Bruins, accumulating 245 goals, 624 assists and 974 penalty minutes. Orr also played in 74 playoff games with 26 goals, 66 assists and 92 penalty minutes. His stats are not that impressive compared to Blake, but he has won 8 James Norris Trophies in 1968,1969,1970,1971,1972,1973,1974 and 1975. As well as winning the Calder Memorial trophy 1967, Hart Memorial Trophy in 1970,1971 and 1972. Art Ross Trophy in 1970 and 1975, along with winning the Conne Smythe Trophy in 1970 and 1975 and finally the Lester B. Pearson Trophy in 1975.
Third choice, is without a doubt, Scott Stevens. Not the biggest scorer, but definitely the hardest hitting, best passing and most intense defence men to watch. Playing in 1635 games, with 2785 penalty minutes, Scott was an enforcer with a head for pinching. This defence man was not only puck smart but pass smart too, he almost never set up suicide passes because he layed out players that got those passes. His signature hit was the open ice hip check which was so devastating that most players would not return to the game. For the hitting, passing and penalty minutes i believe that Scott Stevens is my number one defence man of all time.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


When people think of having superpowers, they think of the obvious, such as the ability to fly, super strength, or swinging around the city from webs. The superpower i would like to have is the ability to shoot spaghetti out of my finger tips. Being covered in spaghetti is one of the worst feelings ever, and it would teach many rude people lessons. It would also solve the whole world hunger thing. Not only would i be a hero, but i would be a menace as well, because rats would be more common, as well as many bugs and animals would move into the city where all the wasted spaghetti would be. Not only would it be spaghetti, but it would be the world's best spaghetti, with large, but not huge, meatballs, perfectly cooked noodles, amazingly tasteful sauce, and the best tasting cheese you could ever imagine.