Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Desks Messing With Futures

The education system is excellent in Canada. One school in British Columbia, does have a slight flaw with its system. Princess Margaret Secondary School in Penticton has some of the most uncomfortable desks known to man kind.
Some classes have the "old school", one piece, heavy, cold, hard, and unbelievably uncomfortable desks. The principle was not able to get a hold of to ask why he was torturing his students with these terrible contraptions. Most students will succumb to chronic back pain and posture loss. A tragedy like this should be fixed, but unfortunately the teachers are unaware of the grief and stress the desks are putting on the young adults. When asked about the desk situation, Ryan Kelly, of Searcy's English 12 class described it as "lame" and further commented that "they should either change them, or put a live goat in the room". Ryan is clearly grief stricken and too stressed to have his brain function properly. Many other cases have begun to be investigated of chronic back pain, and it is quite clear that the desks must be changed for the children's sake.

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